• 64 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

  • ABCs of the FDCPA - Part 1: Who, What, and Why?

  • ABCs of the FDCPA - Part 2: Important Definitions & Legal Standards

  • ABCs of the FDCPA - Part 3: SOL & Common Defenses

  • Pay Up or Else: Common FDCPA Violations

  • Pay Up or We Destroy Your Credit: Other FDCPA Violations

  • The TRUTH About Debt Verification and Validation Under the FDCPA

  • What is a VALID Dispute Under the FDCPA?

  • Stop Calling: New Reg F Standards for Collection Comms

  • Secrets of the Debt Collection and Junk Debt Buyer Industry

  • Consumers Fighting Back: The Secrets and Power of FDCPA Litigation!

  • Incredible FDCPA Case Examples!

  • Secrets of Lawyer-Drafted FDCPA Letters!

  • ABCs of the FCRA - Part 1: Who, What, and Why?

  • ABCs of the FCRA - Part 2: Important Definitions & Legal Standards

  • ABCs of the FCRA - Part 3: SOL & Common Defenses

  • Permissible Purposes: When can Someone Pull a Credit Report?

  • Suing Furnishers Under the FCRA: Secrets of 1681s-2(b)

  • Suing CRAs Under the FCRA: Secrets of 1681e(b) and 1681i

  • The TRUTH About Debt Verification and Validation and the FCRA

  • Night and Day: What Works for Credit Repair vs. FCRA Litigation

  • Secrets of the Credit Reporting Industry: e-Oscar, Metro2, CDIA, and More!

  • Consumers Fighting Back: The Secrets and Power of FCRA Litigation!

  • Incredible FCRA Case Examples!

  • Secrets of Lawyer-Drafted FCRA Dispute Letters!

  • ABCs of the EFTA - Part 1: Who, What, and Why?

  • ABCs of the EFTA - Part 2: Important Definitions & Legal Standards

  • ABCs of the EFTA - Part 3: SOL & Common Defenses

  • Funds Transfer Scams 101: How to Fight Back

  • The 60-Day Notification Rule: Use it to a Consumer’s Advantage

  • Secrets of a Successful EFTA Error Notice!

  • How can Credit Industry Pros Use the EFTA?

  • Consumers Fighting Back: The Secrets and Power of EFTA Litigation!

  • Incredible EFTA Case Examples

  • Secrets of Lawyer-Drafted EFTA Dispute Letters!

  • ABCs of the FCBA - Part 1: Who, What, and Why?

  • ABCs of the FCBA - Part 2: Important Definitions & Legal Standards

  • ABCs of the FCBA - Part 3: SOL & Common Defenses

  • I Owe What?!?: What Constitutes a Billing Error?

  • Secrets of a Successful Notice of Billing Error!

  • Please Help! Creditors’ FCBA Duties

  • How can Credit Industry Pros use the FCBA?

  • Consumers Fighting Back: The Secrets and Power of FCBA Litigation!

  • Incredible FCBA Case Examples!

  • Secrets of Lawyer-Drafted FCBA Dispute Letters!

  • ABCs of LT Law - Part 1: What Laws Apply to Leases?

  • ABCs of LT Law - Part 2: Holdover & Habitability

  • ABCs of LT Law - Part 3: Retaliation & Evictions

  • Terminating a Lease: Power in the Hands of Consumers

  • Common Landlord Violations - Part 1: FDCPA and FCRA

  • Common Landlord Violations - Part 2: Security Deposit Theft & Lease Violations

  • Sued for Eviction - Part 1: Processes and What to Expect

  • Sued for Eviction - Part 2: Common Defenses

  • Incredible Landlord/Tenant Case Examples!

  • Secrets of Lawyer-Drafted Tenant Letters!

  • ABCs of Repos - Part 1: Intro to Repossessions

  • ABCs of Repos - Part 2: The TRUTH about Repo Deficiency

  • ABCs of Repos - Part 3: Debtor/Consumer Protections

  • Sued for Repo Deficiency - Part 1: Processes and What to Expect

  • Sued for Repo Deficiency - Part 2: Common Defenses

  • Common Auto Fraud Violations - Part 1: Yo-Yo Financing and Lemon Law

  • Common Auto Fraud Violations - Part 2: Salvage and Other Frauds

  • Consumers Fighting Back! Auto Loan Related FDCPA, FCRA, & EFTA Claims!

  • Secrets of Lawyer-Drafted Repo Disputes!

  • Level 4: Scholar: Live, Weekly, 2-hour Webinars & Private Chat Hotline:

  • Level 5: Scholar: Private 1-on-1 Retainer Chat: