• 30 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

  • What is a Credit Report & How to Pull Your Official Consumer Credit Reports

  • Why are Credit Reports so Important?

  • ABCs of Credit Reports, Part 1: Main Players

  • ABCs of Credit Reports, Part 2: Main Sections

  • ABCs of Credit Reports, Part 3: Common Terms and Definitions

  • FICO & Beyond: the Secrets to Improving Credit Scores

  • What are Other Secret Credit Reports Every Consumer Should Know About?

  • The Most Common Myths About Credit Reporting

  • The Most Common Myths About Credit Repair

  • The Most Common Lies Told by Credit Repair Companies

  • ABCs of the FDCPA, Part 1: Who, What, and Why?

  • ABCs of the FDCPA, Part 2: Important Terms, Definitions, and Standards

  • ABCs of the FDCPA, Part 3: Common Debt Collection Violations

  • ABCs of the FCRA, Part 1: Who, What, and Why?

  • ABCs of the FCRA, Part 2: Important Terms, Definitions, and Standards

  • ABCs of the FCRA, Part 3: Common Credit Reporting Violations

  • The TRUTH About 1099s and Charge Offs & How to get them Removed

  • The TRUTH About Repossessions & How to get them Removed

  • Secrets of the Debt Collection Industry

  • Secrets of the Junk Debt Buying Industry (LVNV, MCM, PRA, etc.)

  • The Secret Power of the FDCPA: How to Fight Back

  • Amazing FDCPA Case Examples

  • The Secret Power of the FCRA: How to Dispute & Fight Back

  • Amazing FCRA Case Examples

  • ABCs of Debt Defense, Part 1: Common Terms, Definitions, and Standards

  • ABCs of Debt Defense, Part 2: Common Defenses

  • ABCs of Debt Defense, Part 3: How to Fight Back Using the FDCPA and FCRA

  • What Makes a Good Candidate for Consumer Litigation?

  • Secrets of Lawyer-Drafted FDCPA Letters (WITH TEMPLATES)

  • Secrets of Lawyer-Drafted FCRA Dispute Letters (WITH TEMPLATES)